MailBot has been updated to version 16.72.
The long-awaited functionality of selecting a specific phone number operator for SMS activation services has been implemented:
So far, operator selection has only been implemented for SMS activation services that provide a list of operators via API:
When you click on a country in the “Phone numbers country” list, a list of available operators will be loaded for it via the selected API. If you check the “Any” box, Read more »
\\ 5SIM, api-sms-pro,, MailBot, MNO, onlinesim, Outlook, PVA, SMS-Activate, SMSPool, VAK-SMS
MailBot has been updated to version 16.67.
Due to numerous customer complaints about manual and slow updating of the list of available countries of phone numbers for various phone verification providers, dynamic loading of this list via API has been implemented in MailBot.
To date, this method is available and implemented for the following APIs:
Unknown signup error with code 100 error in creator
Unable to verify account error in checker/unlocker, which occurred due to unsuccessful processing of “We’re updating our terms” form
- error with code 6002 when verifying recovery email in unlocker
Fixed Unable to check account error in the checker.
An optional Read more »
\\ 5SIM, AOL, API, CapBypass,, Hotmail,,,, MailBot, Outlook, Runbox, sms-acktiwator, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS, Yahoo, unlocker, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 16.42.

The project migrated to the OpenSSL v3 library, and TLS 1.3 support was added. At the very least, this sped up network performance.
Attention! When updating to version 16.42, you must copy the new files libcrypto-3.dll and libssl-3.dll from the downloaded archive to the same folder where the MailBot.exe file is located.

Implemented support for the CrazyToken API, a service for solving FunCAPTCHA.
The service solves FunCAPTCHA for $1.2 per 1000 solutions. Solution speed is 1 second.
- FunCAPTCHA solution before sending SMS to phone number when unlocking accounts
- handling of the
ErrMaximumOTTDailyError error when unlocking an account
- handling of the
Try another verification method error when creating an account by phone number
- handling of error
429 Too Many Requests after sign in request
\\ 5SIM, Anosim, AOL, api-sms-pro, ASOCKS, CapBypass, CLI, CrazyToken, daisySMS, EzCaptcha,,,, Hard Captcha,,, MailBot,, onlinesim, OpenSSL, RemProxy, ruCaptcha, SIMSMS, SMS-Activate, SMS-MAN, SMS-ONLINE, sms168api, SMSHUB, SMSPool, TLS, VAK-SMS, WebSocket, Yahoo, unlocker, login template, экспорт
MailBot has been updated to version 15.33.
Instead of a patchwork of changes for all email providers, which is hard to read, let’s try to break down changelogs by email provider. Please send your opinions in which form you prefer to read the changelog.
Implemented adding and verifying a recovery email in the creator, in the signup mode without phone verification. Previously, this was implemented only in the unlocker.
Verifying a phone number to enable SMTP is not necessary now, verifying the recovery email gives the same trust to the account as verifying the phone.
During the process two letters with confirmation codes are received on the recovery email, this is normal.
Creation of aliases is implemented in Outlook creator, checker and unlocker.
Attention! To create aliases in your Outlook account, it must has verified recovery email!
Attention! Outlook now allows you to create only 2 account aliases and only on the domain!
The checker now is able to create Outlook mailboxes for Microsoft accounts created via phone number:

This allows you to finish creation of mailboxes for accounts in format +380983524927:V5p9axnJc , which were previously saved in “partially created” files.
When creating accounts via phone number, creator now updates Read more »
\\ 1st CAPTCHA, anycaptcha,,, GrizzlySMS, IMAP,,,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Runbox, SMS-Activate, SMTP, VAK-SMS,, creator, antispam, aliases, recovery email, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.13.
Due to numerous customers requests, a lot of work has been done on the ability to add and verify recovery emails for accounts.
A list of recovery email sources has appeared on the “Recovery email” tab:

Sources can be added, edited, deleted and moved up/down in the list using the buttons located below and to the right of the list.
In the edit window of the recovery email source, you must specify its name displayed in the list, the path to the file with the list of recovery emails with passwords in email:password format, as well as Read more »
\\ AOL, CodeSIM,, Hotmail, onlinesim, Outlook, POP3, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, antispam, recovery email, checker, Yandex
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