MailBot has been updated to version 16.67.
Due to numerous customer complaints about manual and slow updating of the list of available countries of phone numbers for various phone verification providers, dynamic loading of this list via API has been implemented in MailBot.
To date, this method is available and implemented for the following APIs:
Unknown signup error with code 100 error in creator
Unable to verify account error in checker/unlocker, which occurred due to unsuccessful processing of “We’re updating our terms” form
- error with code 6002 when verifying recovery email in unlocker
Fixed Unable to check account error in the checker.
An optional Read more »
\\ 5SIM, AOL, API, CapBypass,, Hotmail,,,, MailBot, Outlook, Runbox, sms-acktiwator, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS, Yahoo, unlocker, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 16.57.

This article is a continuation of the previous one, about adapting MailBot to mandatory authentication via OAuth2 for Outlook mail servers.
A new setting “Generate OAuth2 refresh token” has been added to the “Email Features” tab:

This setting currently only works for the Outlook/Hotmail module. If the checkbox is checked, the Outlook creator will generate OAuth2 tokens for accessing mail protocols after successfully creating an account, and the checker will generate them after successfully logging into an existing account.
Attention! All OAuth2 tokens are generated for ClientId 9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753 , which is the ClientId of the Mozilla ThunderBird IMAP client in Outlook.
After successfully receiving OAuth2 tokens, MailBot will append a refresh token string to the end of the account string, and will also additionally save all parameters received from the OAuth2 server to a JSON file in the “oauth2” folder inside the “Accounts” folder. The file name will match the account email address. Example of the contents Read more »
\\ AOL,, Hotmail, IMAP,, MailBot, OAuth2, OTPTextnow, Outlook, POP3, PVA, VAK-SMS, creator, recovery email
MailBot has been updated to version 15.90.
Added API support for several CAPTCHA solving services that can automatically solve FunCAPTCHA for Outlook:
- RockCaptcha, price for 1000 solutions of FunCAPTCHA for Outlook: $1.0
- Hard Captcha, price for 1000 solutions of FunCAPTCHA for Outlook: $1.0
- captcha.onl1n3, price for 1000 solutions of FunCAPTCHA for Outlook: $1.0
Because accurate time is critical for features such as TOTP and IMAP email searching, MailBot now automatically synchronizes your local computer’s time with during startup.
Updated context menu for the list of accounts on the “Creator” tab:
New items added:
- “Phone number only”
- “App password only”
- “TOTP secret key only”
- “Get TOTP code”
- persistent
ESignupError error immediately after Read more »
\\ 2FA,,, captcha.onl1n3, CLI,,, Hard Captcha, Hotmail, LSA,,, MailBot,, MMOTP, Outlook, RockCaptcha, ruCaptcha, SMSHUB, TOTP, UKR.NET, VAK-SMS, Wine, YesCaptcha, yuenanka
MailBot has been updated to version 15.13.
Due to numerous customers requests, a lot of work has been done on the ability to add and verify recovery emails for accounts.
A list of recovery email sources has appeared on the “Recovery email” tab:

Sources can be added, edited, deleted and moved up/down in the list using the buttons located below and to the right of the list.
In the edit window of the recovery email source, you must specify its name displayed in the list, the path to the file with the list of recovery emails with passwords in email:password format, as well as Read more »
\\ AOL, CodeSIM,, Hotmail, onlinesim, Outlook, POP3, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, antispam, recovery email, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 14.26.
Important! For successful creation of accounts, it is necessary to use dictionaries of exactly Polish names and surnames. Such dictionaries are supplied with MailBot, they can be found in the “Dic” folder, filenames start with “PL_…”.
Important! allow account creation only from European IP addresses. and now activate paid account features for free for 7 days after account creation. For example, this makes it possible to enable forwarding:

You can enable forwarding activation on created/checked accounts in the “Enable forwarding” panel on the “Accounts” tab in MailBot. creators and checkers now handle notification about Read more »
\\ funcaptcha, Hotmail, IMAP, MailBot,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, SMTP,, forwarding, checker
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