MailBot has been updated to version 16.57.

This article is a continuation of the previous one, about adapting MailBot to mandatory authentication via OAuth2 for Outlook mail servers.
A new setting “Generate OAuth2 refresh token” has been added to the “Email Features” tab:

This setting currently only works for the Outlook/Hotmail module. If the checkbox is checked, the Outlook creator will generate OAuth2 tokens for accessing mail protocols after successfully creating an account, and the checker will generate them after successfully logging into an existing account.
Attention! All OAuth2 tokens are generated for ClientId 9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753 , which is the ClientId of the Mozilla ThunderBird IMAP client in Outlook.
After successfully receiving OAuth2 tokens, MailBot will append a refresh token string to the end of the account string, and will also additionally save all parameters received from the OAuth2 server to a JSON file in the “oauth2” folder inside the “Accounts” folder. The file name will match the account email address. Example of the contents Read more »
\\ AOL,, Hotmail, IMAP,, MailBot, OAuth2, OTPTextnow, Outlook, POP3, PVA, VAK-SMS, creator, recovery email
MailBot has been updated to version 16.54.

Since September 20, 2024, Microsoft has almost completely disabled authentication via regular password (PLAIN method) on its IMAP, SMTP and POP3 servers, leaving only the OAuth2 option (XOAUTH2 method). As of today, only a few servers remain unpatched, and it is almost impossible to authenticate with a regular password on Outlook mail servers.
If you try to authenticate with a regular password, for example, the Outlook SMTP server will respond with this error:
535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, basic authentication is disabled.
and the Outlook IMAP server will respond with this one:
To some extent, this also affected MailBot, since the verification of recovery emails in the program is carried out via the IMAP protocol.
In connection with this, a new setting “Authentication” appeared in the recovery email source settings window in MailBot, which is a list with two values:

When connecting Outlook accounts as recovery emails, you now need to select only OAuth2, and the format of the recovery emails in the file should look like Read more »
\\ AOL, IMAP,, MailBot,, OAuth2, Outlook, POP3, SMTP, Turnstile, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, recovery email, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 15.33.
Instead of a patchwork of changes for all email providers, which is hard to read, let’s try to break down changelogs by email provider. Please send your opinions in which form you prefer to read the changelog.
Implemented adding and verifying a recovery email in the creator, in the signup mode without phone verification. Previously, this was implemented only in the unlocker.
Verifying a phone number to enable SMTP is not necessary now, verifying the recovery email gives the same trust to the account as verifying the phone.
During the process two letters with confirmation codes are received on the recovery email, this is normal.
Creation of aliases is implemented in Outlook creator, checker and unlocker.
Attention! To create aliases in your Outlook account, it must has verified recovery email!
Attention! Outlook now allows you to create only 2 account aliases and only on the domain!
The checker now is able to create Outlook mailboxes for Microsoft accounts created via phone number:

This allows you to finish creation of mailboxes for accounts in format +380983524927:V5p9axnJc , which were previously saved in “partially created” files.
When creating accounts via phone number, creator now updates Read more »
\\ 1st CAPTCHA, anycaptcha,,, GrizzlySMS, IMAP,,,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Runbox, SMS-Activate, SMTP, VAK-SMS,, creator, antispam, aliases, recovery email, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.13.
Due to numerous customers requests, a lot of work has been done on the ability to add and verify recovery emails for accounts.
A list of recovery email sources has appeared on the “Recovery email” tab:

Sources can be added, edited, deleted and moved up/down in the list using the buttons located below and to the right of the list.
In the edit window of the recovery email source, you must specify its name displayed in the list, the path to the file with the list of recovery emails with passwords in email:password format, as well as Read more »
\\ AOL, CodeSIM,, Hotmail, onlinesim, Outlook, POP3, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, antispam, recovery email, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 14.62.
A new “Proxy judge” list has been added to the “Network” panel on the “Settings” tab, allowing the user to independently select a proxy judge for recognizing an external IPv4 address:

Attention! A new file \GeoIP\GeoIP2-City.mmdb has been added to the MailBot distribution, it is now used instead of the GeoLite2-Country.mmdb file.
MaxMind GeoIP provider module now supports a database with city-level granularity.
Also implemented in MailBot 14.62:
- checking for a match of the countries of the IP address and phone number in Yahoo creator
- time zone generation according to external IP address for Yahoo/ (only for MaxMind GeoIP for now)
- SMS activation service API support
- CAPTCHA solving service CAPTCHAs.IO API support
- mail processing rules in Outlook are now created with the “Stop processing more rules” checkbox disabled, so that antispam disabling and forwarding can work at the same time
- answering the security question when logging into an account in Yandex unlocker
- handling the absence of an answer to a secret question in the account data when changing the password on a locked Yandex account
- error handling in Ukrainian in creator
- improved error detail in the log for CapSolver API
- output a warning if user has specified MailBot to take usernames from a file, but there are fewer lines in it than the number specified in the setting “How many accounts to create?”
- POP3 activation in Outlook creator always happened only Read more »
\\, Antigate, AOL, API, CapSolver, CAPTCHAs.IO, GeoIP, I.UA,, LSA, MailBot, MaxMind,, Outlook, POP3, pva24, ruCaptcha, WebSocket, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, секретный вопрос, судья прокси, checker, Yandex
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