MailBot has been updated to version 16.57.

This article is a continuation of the previous one, about adapting MailBot to mandatory authentication via OAuth2 for Outlook mail servers.
A new setting “Generate OAuth2 refresh token” has been added to the “Email Features” tab:

This setting currently only works for the Outlook/Hotmail module. If the checkbox is checked, the Outlook creator will generate OAuth2 tokens for accessing mail protocols after successfully creating an account, and the checker will generate them after successfully logging into an existing account.
Attention! All OAuth2 tokens are generated for ClientId 9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753 , which is the ClientId of the Mozilla ThunderBird IMAP client in Outlook.
After successfully receiving OAuth2 tokens, MailBot will append a refresh token string to the end of the account string, and will also additionally save all parameters received from the OAuth2 server to a JSON file in the “oauth2” folder inside the “Accounts” folder. The file name will match the account email address. Example of the contents Read more »
\\ AOL,, Hotmail, IMAP,, MailBot, OAuth2, OTPTextnow, Outlook, POP3, PVA, VAK-SMS, creator, recovery email
Update from 07/31/2024: Passing a proxy to solve FunCAPTCHA on Outlook is required again, if Telegram bot answers {"status":"UPDATING"} !
Update from 06/19/2024: Passing a proxy to solve FunCAPTCHA on Outlook is no longer required!
Many users have already noticed that, starting from Thursday, May 23, the percentage of incorrectly solved FunCAPTCHAs for Outlook began to grow rapidly across all CAPTCHA solving services, gradually increasing from ~40% to 100%. Over the weekend, the administrations of three of the four up-to-date FunCAPTCHA solution services for Outlook came to the conclusion that it is no longer possible to obtain valid solutions without passing the proxy, which is used to register an account, to the API of the CAPTCHA solution service. It is now necessary to transfer a proxy so that the IP address from which the FunCAPTCHA was solved on the service matches the IP address from which the registration request originates. This is not a new requirement, it has already been encountered before and MailBot has had a setting for this for a long time. It is located in the CAPTCHA service account settings on the “CAPTCHA” tab and is called “Pass the proxy for Arkose Labs (FunCAPTCHA)”:

However, do not rush to turn it on and complain that nothing works. Each provider (both proxy and CAPTCHA solver) now has many important nuances, without understanding which, unfortunately, it will not be possible to continue working.
First, there are a couple of side effects of Read more »
\\ CapSolver, EzCaptcha, funcaptcha, Hard Captcha, MailBot, Outlook, RockCaptcha, Underdog, creator, proxy
MailBot has been updated to version 15.47.
Microsoft’s landing page is skipped now in creator and checker when receiving sign up and sign in forms.
This gave the following bonuses:
- The speed of work has increased, because Microsoft server that served the landing page couldn’t handle the load on September 13 and often went down, which led to
EIdReadTimeout errors.
- Internet traffic consumption has decreased, since the landing page is almost 150 KB in size.
- Eliminated
EFormURLNotFound errors at the stage of receiving sign up and sign in forms.
Fixed the problem of receiving two identical codes in a row from verification emails when adding a recovery email to an account if Rambler mailboxes are used as recovery emails.
Verification of the recovery email when creating an account has been implemented:

Attention! If the “Verify recovery email” checkbox on the “Recovery email” tab in MailBot is not checked, then accounts Read more »
\\, API, CapSolver,,, Imagetyperz,,, MailBot, Outlook, Runbox, SMS-MAN, TIGER SMS,, Yahoo, creator, domains, proxy, aliases, recovery email, секретный вопрос, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.33.
Instead of a patchwork of changes for all email providers, which is hard to read, let’s try to break down changelogs by email provider. Please send your opinions in which form you prefer to read the changelog.
Implemented adding and verifying a recovery email in the creator, in the signup mode without phone verification. Previously, this was implemented only in the unlocker.
Verifying a phone number to enable SMTP is not necessary now, verifying the recovery email gives the same trust to the account as verifying the phone.
During the process two letters with confirmation codes are received on the recovery email, this is normal.
Creation of aliases is implemented in Outlook creator, checker and unlocker.
Attention! To create aliases in your Outlook account, it must has verified recovery email!
Attention! Outlook now allows you to create only 2 account aliases and only on the domain!
The checker now is able to create Outlook mailboxes for Microsoft accounts created via phone number:

This allows you to finish creation of mailboxes for accounts in format +380983524927:V5p9axnJc , which were previously saved in “partially created” files.
When creating accounts via phone number, creator now updates Read more »
\\ 1st CAPTCHA, anycaptcha,,, GrizzlySMS, IMAP,,,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Runbox, SMS-Activate, SMTP, VAK-SMS,, creator, antispam, aliases, recovery email, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.13.
Due to numerous customers requests, a lot of work has been done on the ability to add and verify recovery emails for accounts.
A list of recovery email sources has appeared on the “Recovery email” tab:

Sources can be added, edited, deleted and moved up/down in the list using the buttons located below and to the right of the list.
In the edit window of the recovery email source, you must specify its name displayed in the list, the path to the file with the list of recovery emails with passwords in email:password format, as well as Read more »
\\ AOL, CodeSIM,, Hotmail, onlinesim, Outlook, POP3, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, antispam, recovery email, checker, Yandex
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