MailBot has been updated to version 16.67.
Due to numerous customer complaints about manual and slow updating of the list of available countries of phone numbers for various phone verification providers, dynamic loading of this list via API has been implemented in MailBot.
To date, this method is available and implemented for the following APIs:
Unknown signup error with code 100 error in creator
Unable to verify account error in checker/unlocker, which occurred due to unsuccessful processing of “We’re updating our terms” form
- error with code 6002 when verifying recovery email in unlocker
Fixed Unable to check account error in the checker.
An optional Read more »
\\ 5SIM, AOL, API, CapBypass,, Hotmail,,,, MailBot, Outlook, Runbox, sms-acktiwator, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS, Yahoo, unlocker, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 15.47.
Microsoft’s landing page is skipped now in creator and checker when receiving sign up and sign in forms.
This gave the following bonuses:
- The speed of work has increased, because Microsoft server that served the landing page couldn’t handle the load on September 13 and often went down, which led to
EIdReadTimeout errors.
- Internet traffic consumption has decreased, since the landing page is almost 150 KB in size.
- Eliminated
EFormURLNotFound errors at the stage of receiving sign up and sign in forms.
Fixed the problem of receiving two identical codes in a row from verification emails when adding a recovery email to an account if Rambler mailboxes are used as recovery emails.
Verification of the recovery email when creating an account has been implemented:

Attention! If the “Verify recovery email” checkbox on the “Recovery email” tab in MailBot is not checked, then accounts Read more »
\\, API, CapSolver,,, Imagetyperz,,, MailBot, Outlook, Runbox, SMS-MAN, TIGER SMS,, Yahoo, creator, domains, proxy, aliases, recovery email, секретный вопрос, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.33.
Instead of a patchwork of changes for all email providers, which is hard to read, let’s try to break down changelogs by email provider. Please send your opinions in which form you prefer to read the changelog.
Implemented adding and verifying a recovery email in the creator, in the signup mode without phone verification. Previously, this was implemented only in the unlocker.
Verifying a phone number to enable SMTP is not necessary now, verifying the recovery email gives the same trust to the account as verifying the phone.
During the process two letters with confirmation codes are received on the recovery email, this is normal.
Creation of aliases is implemented in Outlook creator, checker and unlocker.
Attention! To create aliases in your Outlook account, it must has verified recovery email!
Attention! Outlook now allows you to create only 2 account aliases and only on the domain!
The checker now is able to create Outlook mailboxes for Microsoft accounts created via phone number:

This allows you to finish creation of mailboxes for accounts in format +380983524927:V5p9axnJc , which were previously saved in “partially created” files.
When creating accounts via phone number, creator now updates Read more »
\\ 1st CAPTCHA, anycaptcha,,, GrizzlySMS, IMAP,,,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Runbox, SMS-Activate, SMTP, VAK-SMS,, creator, antispam, aliases, recovery email, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 13.65.
On the recommendation of 2Captcha support, MailBot implemented the 2Captcha WebSocket API to combat the low lifespan of Arkose Labs (FunCAPTCHA) tokens.
It can be selected in the “CAPTCHA service API” list in the window for adding a new account on the CAPTCHA solving service:

This API supports all types of CAPTCHAs that MailBot needs to solve.
The peculiarity of the WebSocket API is that you do not need to constantly poll the API in anticipation of the result of the CAPTCHA solution, the server itself sends a notification about this. Therefore, in the settings of the CAPTCHA service account in the “API timeouts” panel, the first two timeouts will be disabled, for the WebSocket API they do not make sense, you can only configure the total waiting time for the result of the CAPTCHA solution.
Important! So far, you can work with the 2Captcha WebSocket API in a maximum of 2 threads. In the future, this restriction will be lifted.
CAPTCHA statistics have been radically redesigned, now statistics of all submissions, solutions and errors are maintained separately for each type of CAPTCHA.
On the “Statistics” tab, instead of a simple “CAPTCHA” panel, there is now Read more »
\\ BestCaptchaSolver, hCaptcha, MailBot, Outlook, ruCaptcha, Runbox, WebSocket, stats
MailBot has been updated to version 13.17.
Implemented the creation of aliases for accounts.
Important! The creation of aliases is supported only for accounts with verified phone number.
Aliases can be created both by the creator (after a successful account creation) and by the checker (for already existing accounts).
To create one alias, you need to solve one regular CAPTCHA image.
So far, aliases are created only on the same domain as the main account.
Created aliases are saved in a separate file with a name like “ 2021.05.26 – 12.09.53 aliases.txt” in the “Accounts” folder.
Important! Updated the list of working domains and the API domain for the Interimail API. Unfortunately, access to the domains,,,,, and has been lost. Similar domains have been added instead.
Also implemented in MailBot 13.17:
- background update of balances of all CAPTCHA service accounts when opening the “CAPTCHA” tab:

- handling “not enough rating” error in API (it was displayed in log as EAccessViolation error when trying to get a phone number)
- added code for Read more »
\\ 5SIM,, AOL,, InteriMail,,, MailBot,, onlinesim, OTPSIM, RAISIM, Runbox, sms-acktiwator, SMS-Activate, SMS-REG, SMS.SKI, TOTP, Yahoo, creator, unlocker, limits, aliases, checker, Yandex