My Hardware ID has changed, the old serial number is not valid!
Please send me the non-working serial number, the new Hardware ID and the reason of its change, new serial number will be issued.
Where can I find my current serial number or Hardware ID?
On the “License” tab of the “Information” window, which is called by pressing the button with a question mark in the title bar of MailBot window or by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard:
Accounts of service X are no longer created. What should I do?
- Check this site, Twitter or Telegram channel for news or updates, explaining or eliminating the problem.
- Make sure that your web browser at this given time can create an account on XXX service. Periodically, services conduct maintenance work, especially at night.
- If everything works in a browser, please contact technical support.
Settings are not saved, I have to enter all over again!
Looks like you are running the program from the archive. Please unpack the archive into a separate folder on the disk. See also /noautosettings command line option.
Log often shows errors (“” is an example URL):
Thread #1: Error: EIdConnectTimeout: Server connection error: Connect timed out.
Thread #1: Error: EIdReadTimeout: Server connection error: Read timed out.
You have too low connection and/or read data timeout values. Please set both settings to 10,000 ms (default value, means 10 seconds) in the “Network” panel on the “Settings” tab in MailBot.
Where do “Unknown signup error with code 0” errors come from when creating Outlook accounts? Accounts are actually created, but MailBot does not save them!
Socket read timeout on the “Settings” tab is too small. Its minimum value is 4,000 ms, that is, 4 seconds, but this is not enough for Outlook registration, since creating an account on the server takes quite a long time, several seconds, and the server may not have time to respond within exactly 4 seconds. In this case, MailBot, in accordance with your setting, will consider the connection to be hung up and forget about it, and the account can actually be created, for example, in the 5th second. Do not set socket read timeout for Outlook less than 20 seconds (the default value).
What encoding should be used for the dictionaries of first names, last surnames, full names, cities?
In one of the Unicode encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32), always with BOM. All dictionaries supplied with the software are saved in these encodings.
I periodically see an error “EDecompressionError: ZLib Error (-5)” in the log window. How to fix it?
Turn off “Compress traffic” setting on the “Settings” tab.
I see a lot of EFormURLNotFound and / or ETokenNotFound errors in log while creating Outlook accounts, although accounts are created.
Some Outlook servers always return compressed content, regardless of the Accept-Encoding header sent by the client. This can be fixed by turning on the “Compress traffic” setting on the “Settings” tab.
How to switch the program interface language if the “Disable skins” setting is checked on the “Settings” tab? After all, then the language switcher disappears from the window title!
Starting with MailBot 15.89, you can switch to the next interface language in the list of supported languages by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L.
9 Comments on "Troubleshooting"
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29 January 2020 at 15:54
Ошибка: EDirectoryNotFoundException: btStartRegClick: The specified path was not found
Как решить вопрос с ошибкой?
30 January 2020 at 13:42
Проверьте пути к файлам на всех вкладках, где-то указан несуществующий путь к файлу.
22 May 2021 at 8:36
: Error: EFormURLNotFound: Form URL not found , How do I fix this?
22 May 2021 at 8:38
Please send me full text log so I can see the context of the error. You can find all my contacts on this page:
22 May 2021 at 9:20
nvm it was for hotmail, the proxies worked one second and next i restarted and boom errors
13 January 2024 at 5:45
Hello. Please tell me how I can set up automatic sending of accounts to my server. I want to know what the format of this URL is so that I know how to write an API to receive this account information.
13 January 2024 at 18:04
Hello. You can find format description on
22 December 2024 at 20:40
Can the program be transferred to another device after activation? And how many times can it be transferred?
23 December 2024 at 3:32
Yes, currently you can transfer MailBot to another device free of charge while you can provide active serial number for deletion (as a replacement). In simple words you return one of previous serial numbers and get the new one as a replacement.
Number of serial numbers replacements are not limited currently, however, if I feel this is happening too often, I may refuse a free replacement.
Also you won’t be able to switch back to the Hardware ID of the deleted serial number free of charge.
You can find more details in this post: