

7条评论 "故障排除"

  1. 1. oleg_kruasang:

    Ошибка: EDirectoryNotFoundException: btStartRegClick: The specified path was not found

    Как решить вопрос с ошибкой?

  2. 2. tavel:

    Проверьте пути к файлам на всех вкладках, где-то указан несуществующий путь к файлу.

  3. 3. chadalac1712:

    : Error: EFormURLNotFound: Form URL not found , How do I fix this?

  4. 4. tavel:

    Please send me full text log so I can see the context of the error. You can find all my contacts on this page: https://tavel.in/en/contacts/

  5. 5. chadalac1712:

    nvm it was for hotmail, the proxies worked one second and next i restarted and boom errors

  6. 6. BrianWilsonhg:

    Hello. Please tell me how I can set up automatic sending of accounts to my server. I want to know what the format of this URL is so that I know how to write an API to receive this account information.

  7. 7. tavel:

    Hello. You can find format description on https://tavel.in/en/2023/04/21/mailbot-14-95-password-changer-url-account-export/

