MailBot has been updated to version 14.95.
Due to numerous customers requests, an automatic change of account passwords (passchanger) was implemented in the checker in the form of a new checkbox “Change account passwords” on the “Checker” tab:

If it is enabled and checked, then for all valid accounts the checker will change the current password to a random new one that it will generate itself.
After a successful password change, the account will be saved to the output file for valid accounts with a new password.
Attention! The account will remain with the old password in the source file with the list of accounts, the checker does not change this file.
Attention! So far, password change has only been implemented for Yahoo and accounts. In the next updates there will be other email providers.
It is also implemented to send each successfully created account to the user’s server:

The new setting is on the “Export” tab. If it is checked MailBot will make HTTP POST request to the specified URL with the parameters “account” and “cookies” (if their export is enabled) encoded in Base64.
An example of a PHP script that should be Read more »
\\ 5SIM, Antigate, anycaptcha, AOL,, IP2Location, MaxMind,, Outlook, Seznam, SMS-Activate, SMSHUB, Tor, Yahoo, creator, unlocker, пассчейнджер, таймауты, checker, экспорт
MailBot has been updated to version 14.20.
Added the API of the new CAPTCHA service Underdog CAPTCHA. It can only solve Arkose Labs CAPTCHA (FunCAPTCHA) for Outlook, but it does it effectively.
The price for 1000 solutions is $1.8, with a volume of 100,000 solutions per day – $1.44. Solution speed ≈ 1 second.
The service have no web panel yet, all operations are via Telegram bot @underdog_cap_bot. A Telegram channel with live updates is also available: @unddg. Support Telegram: @underdog_captcha
“Country of account” list has been added to the “Profile” tab, in which you can manually specify the specific country of the created accounts, if the selected email provider allows it:

“Detect from IP address” setting is also available, when checked, the country of the account will be set in accordance with the country of the IP address used for account registration.
“Valid accounts per IP address” setting has been added to the “Checker” tab, which allows you to limit the number of valid accounts checked by the checker from one IP address (proxy):

You can to not limit Read more »
\\ 365SMS, AOL, cookies,, GrizzlySMS, Mail,, MailBot, Outlook, PVA, Seznam, SMS-Activate, Underdog, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, antispam, stats, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 13.84.

Implemented support for the API of Vietnamese SMS service
This service issues only Vietnamese phone numbers, one number for Outlook costs 690 Vietnamese dongs, which is about $0.03.
To replenish your balance, please contact @Jonathan_123456789.
Also implemented support for the API of Vietnamese SMS service (
This service issues only Vietnamese phone numbers, one number for Outlook costs 700 Vietnamese dongs, which is about $0.03.
Unfortunately, balance replenishment is carried out only via Vietnamese bank, there are no other options.
Why to add Vietnamese SMS services? There is only one country of numbers and problems with balance replenishment?
This is a very popular question. There are two big reasons:
- today most of MailBot’s clients are from Vietnam
- Vietnamese services provide real SIM cards, not virtual numbers, like the vast majority of Russian SMS services
Starting from version 13.84, MailBot supports quite popular IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD proxy format (used, for example, by Read more »
\\ AHASIM, API, chothuesimcode, CodeSIM,,, MailBot, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Seznam, yuenanka, unlocker, app password, proxy, checker, Yandex

MailBot account creator updated to version 12.96.
Account creator and checker of Ukrainian email provider UKR.NET was implemented.
There is 1 domain and active IMAP and SMTP access at your service.
UKR.NET requires the creation of a separate password for IMAP / SMTP access, so if the activation of mail protocols is enabled on the “Accounts” tab, you must also check the “Less secure apps password” box on the “Export” tab. UKR.NET checker can also create a LSA password for existing accounts.
UKR.NET requires mandatory phone verification for all new accounts. Only Ukrainian phone numbers are accepted! Separate service “UKR.NET” is available for Ukrainian phone numbers on SMS-Activate and for 6 RUB, for 8.1 RUB and for 5 RUB.
To create an account you also need to solve one reCAPTCHA v2. UKR.NET also requires a single reCAPTCHA v2 solution when sign in to an account, so a reCAPTCHA solution is required for checker to work.
As always, the update is completely free of charge for users of the full version of MailBot. The rest of the clients, as always, can Read more »
\\ IMAP,, PVA, Seznam, SMTP, UKR.NET,, creator, app password, forwarding, checker

MailBot account creator updated to version 9.85.
Account creator and checker of German email provider was implemented!
Important! As of 09/19/2019 allows signups only from IP addresses of next countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. For all other countries, the error “ERegLimitReached: Exceeded the limit of accounts from IP address” will be generated.
As always, the update is completely free for users of the full version of MailBot. The rest customers, as always, can buy account creator and checker with 50% discount (you can calculate your price including discount here).
Also, and creators and checkers are restored. All these providers have moved to the new version of signup form, which has 3 main innovations: Read more »
\\,, IMAP,, MailBot,, Outlook, POP3, Seznam, SMTP,, Yahoo, creator, checker