What types of automation does the program support?
MailBot supports several command-line options to automate the application. MailBot has no HTTP API and does not work as a web server, so it can not be managed over HTTP, however, it can export each successfully created account to the user’s server via HTTP.
What command-line options does MailBot support?
Argument name | Alias | Allowed values | Description | Command line example |
/start | /s | creator checker | Starts creator or checker automatically and immediately after program runs. | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /start:creator |
/closeonstop | /cl | Closes software automatically after process stops. | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /cl | |
/noautosettings | /noau | Settings will not be set automatically when switching providers | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /noau | |
/filesettings | /f | "<filename>" | Sets a specific file name for loading and saving settings | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /f:outlook.ini |
/logspath | /log | "<path>" | Changes default path to logs folder | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /logspath:"C:\Windows\Temp\MailBot" |
/apppass | /app | on off | Checks or unchecks "Create app password" setting on the "Email features" tab during application start | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /app:on |
/POP3 | /pop | on off | Checks or unchecks "POP3" setting on the "Email features" tab during application start | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /POP3:off |
/IMAP | /imap | on off | Checks or unchecks "IMAP" setting on the "Email features" tab during application start | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /IMAP:off |
/SMTP | /smtp | on off | Checks or unchecks "SMTP" setting on the "Email features" tab during application start | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /SMTP:off |
/addcontact | /add | username@domain.tld | Adds specified email to contact list of created accounts. | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe / |
/dontsettimezone | /dont | Outlook creator will not setup time zone for account after its creation | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /dontsettimezone | |
/dontsolveoathsmsrecaptcha | /dontso | Yahoo and AOL creators will not solve reCAPTCHA issued when sending the SMS. With passing this option an error "Phone number is already used" will be generated when receiving reCAPTCHA. | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /dontsolveoathsmsrecaptcha | |
/onetcheckerdontsolvecaptcha | /onetc | checker will not solve reCAPTCHA when logging into the account, but will simply try to change the IP address | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /onetcheckerdontsolvecaptcha | |
/onetdisablefirewall | /onetd | creator and checker will disable firewall in the account settings | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /onetdisablefirewall | |
/nofuncaptcha | /nofun | Outlook creator will raise ESignupError instead of trying to solve Arkose Labs CAPTCHA (funcaptcha) | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /nofuncaptcha | |
/virtualusaforsmsactivate | /virt | MailBot will ask SMS-Activate API for virtual phone numbers for the United States (country code 12) instead of real USA numbers (country code 187) | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /virtualusaforsmsactivate | |
/virtualusaforvaksms | /virtu | MailBot will query VAK-SMS API for virtual phone numbers of the United States (country code "usv") instead of real USA numbers (country code "us") and for virtual phone numbers of Canada (country code "cav") instead of real Canada numbers (country code "ca") | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /virtualusaforvaksms | |
/altyandexcheckerlogic | /alty | Yandex checker will not consider account as locked if phone number confirmation has been requested for it | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /alty | |
/ezcnproxies | /ezcn | MailBot will pass an additional parameter "cn":true when passing a proxy to the EzCaptcha API | C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /ezcnproxies |
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