What types of automation does the program support?

MailBot supports several command-line options to automate the application. MailBot has no HTTP API and does not work as a web server, so it can not be managed over HTTP, however, it can export each successfully created account to the user’s server via HTTP.

What command-line options does MailBot support?

Argument nameAliasAllowed valuesDescriptionCommand line example
Starts creator or checker automatically and immediately after program runs.C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /start:creator
/closeonstop/clCloses software automatically after process stops.C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /cl
/noautosettings/noauSettings will not be set automatically when switching providersC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /noau
/filesettings/f"<filename>"Sets a specific file name for loading and saving settingsC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /f:outlook.ini
/logspath/log"<path>"Changes default path to logs folderC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /logspath:"C:\Windows\Temp\MailBot"
Checks or unchecks "Create app password" setting on the "Email features" tab during application startC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /app:on
Checks or unchecks "POP3" setting on the "Email features" tab during application startC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /POP3:off
Checks or unchecks "IMAP" setting on the "Email features" tab during application startC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /IMAP:off
Checks or unchecks "SMTP" setting on the "Email features" tab during application startC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /SMTP:off
/addcontact/addusername@domain.tldAdds specified email to contact list of created accounts.C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /
/dontsettimezone/dontOutlook creator will not setup time zone for account after its creationC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /dontsettimezone
/dontsolveoathsmsrecaptcha/dontsoYahoo and AOL creators will not solve reCAPTCHA issued when sending the SMS. With passing this option an error "Phone number is already used" will be generated when receiving reCAPTCHA.C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /dontsolveoathsmsrecaptcha
/onetcheckerdontsolvecaptcha/ checker will not solve reCAPTCHA when logging into the account, but will simply try to change the IP addressC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /onetcheckerdontsolvecaptcha
/onetdisablefirewall/ creator and checker will disable firewall in the account settingsC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /onetdisablefirewall
/nofuncaptcha/nofunOutlook creator will raise ESignupError instead of trying to solve Arkose Labs CAPTCHA (funcaptcha)C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /nofuncaptcha
/virtualusaforsmsactivate/virtMailBot will ask SMS-Activate API for virtual phone numbers for the United States (country code 12) instead of real USA numbers (country code 187)C:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /virtualusaforsmsactivate
/altyandexcheckerlogic/altyYandex checker will not consider account as locked if phone number confirmation has been requested for itC:\MailBot>MailBot.exe /alty

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