Apr 05

On March 23, 2021 NGS.ru email service ceased to exist as an independent email provider and was absorbed by Yandex:

Letter to customers about the move of NGS mail to Yandex.MailSignup form still remains, but welcomes with a gaping hole instead of reCAPTCHA:

Broken NGS account signup formWhen you log in to existing NGS mailboxes, the standard “Completion of registration” form of the Mail for domains service from Yandex is displayed:

Completion of registration form of the Yandex Mail for domains service

All MailBot clients with NGS.ru service will receive Yandex service free of charge. Also NGS.ru has been removed from the list of available services in MailBot, starting from version 12.82.

Since the introduction of MailBot in 2008, Yandex has already absorbed at least:

As a result, there are only three major email providers focused on the Russian-speaking market: Mail.ru, Yandex and Rambler (Sber). This number is optimal for oligopolistic markets (for example, the cellular market), so we should not expect the emergence of new players in the coming years.

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