CAPTCHA-service Imagetyperz is interesting because it allows to recognize reCaptcha v2 without browser emulation, similarly to the functionality of 2Captcha and Anti Captcha API v2. Recognition of 1000 of reCaptcha v2 costs $2.50. To use Imagetyperz API you need to choose/enter domain in the “Domain” field on “CAPTCHA” tab in MailBot.
Bypasscaptcha is another decaptcha service, one of the oldest on worldwide market. To use its API you need to choose/enter domain in the “Domain” field on “CAPTCHA” tab in MailBot.
According to the numerous requests of customers Read more »
Account creator and checker of one of the biggest ukrainian email provider was implemented!
Active POP3 on domain and antispam disabling feature are at your service. You need to recognize one reCaptcha v2 to create an account and fill out a user profile on
As always, the update is completely free for users of the full version of MailBot. The rest customers, as always, can buy account creator and checker with 50% discount (you can calculate your price including discount here).
Also implemented in version 7.21:
My World activation and avatar uploading in mobile app creator
command line parameters /s /c that automatically launch the checker when MailBot starts
aliases /start /reger and /start /checker was added for command line parameters /s /r and /s /c respectively
command line parameter /closeonstop, when specified, the process MailBot.exe will finish its work after stopping all creator or checker threads
support for Polish characters in names and surnames in creator
dictionaries of the most popular Polish, Czech and German names (male and female) and last names was added to the \Dic folder
One of MailBot’s clients, Vladimir Honchar, recorded an interesting video case how to get free SMTP-accounts with MailBot + XEvil + public SOCKS-proxies (english subtitles are available):
Unfortunately the video was published on April 3, and on May 9 this method lost its relevance due to the change of CAPTCHA on, but anyway I express my gratitude to Vladimir Honchar for the excellent work done!
Attention!To update MailBot to version 7.17 you need to update all files from archive! To move your settings from an old MailBot version you need to copy settings.ini file to the new MailBot folder.
Attention!If you are get an error EConvertError after creator start – delete DB folder, the format of banned proxies database was updated in version 7.17.
“Threads options” panel on “Creator” tab was renamed to “Creator properties”, “Accounts per proxy” option (from “Proxy” tab), “How many accounts to create?” option (from “Accounts” panel) and “Proxy ban timeout (hours:minutes)” option (from “Proxy” tab) was moved on it:
“Randomize list” option, that allows you Read more »