MailBot has been updated to version 15.33.
Instead of a patchwork of changes for all email providers, which is hard to read, let’s try to break down changelogs by email provider. Please send your opinions in which form you prefer to read the changelog.
Implemented adding and verifying a recovery email in the creator, in the signup mode without phone verification. Previously, this was implemented only in the unlocker.
Verifying a phone number to enable SMTP is not necessary now, verifying the recovery email gives the same trust to the account as verifying the phone.
During the process two letters with confirmation codes are received on the recovery email, this is normal.
Creation of aliases is implemented in Outlook creator, checker and unlocker.
Attention! To create aliases in your Outlook account, it must has verified recovery email!
Attention! Outlook now allows you to create only 2 account aliases and only on the domain!
The checker now is able to create Outlook mailboxes for Microsoft accounts created via phone number:

This allows you to finish creation of mailboxes for accounts in format +380983524927:V5p9axnJc , which were previously saved in “partially created” files.
When creating accounts via phone number, creator now updates Read more »
\\ 1st CAPTCHA, anycaptcha,,, GrizzlySMS, IMAP,,,, Outlook, POP3, PVA, Runbox, SMS-Activate, SMTP, VAK-SMS,, creator, antispam, aliases, recovery email, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 15.13.
Due to numerous customers requests, a lot of work has been done on the ability to add and verify recovery emails for accounts.
A list of recovery email sources has appeared on the “Recovery email” tab:

Sources can be added, edited, deleted and moved up/down in the list using the buttons located below and to the right of the list.
In the edit window of the recovery email source, you must specify its name displayed in the list, the path to the file with the list of recovery emails with passwords in email:password format, as well as Read more »
\\ AOL, CodeSIM,, Hotmail, onlinesim, Outlook, POP3, SMS-Activate, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, avatar, creator, unlocker, antispam, recovery email, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 14.78.
Microsoft has disabled the ability to create Outlook accounts with a Russian phone number:

At least:
- Algeria
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Cambodia
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Egypt
- Kazakhstan
- Vietnam
were also banned. This only applies to the option of creating Outlook accounts with a phone number. Nothing has changed for the registration via CAPTCHA solving.
CapSolver API in MailBot now supports a Chinese service for solving CAPTCHA Yes, Captcha!
To work with it, when adding an account on the CAPTCHA service, select the CapSolver API and domain.
Some information about the service:
- able to solve FunCAPTCHA without passing a proxy, as well as reCAPTCHA Enterprise, etc.
- balance top-up is only in Chinese yuan and only via WeChat/Alipay and no, I don’t know how to top up outside from China
- the balance is kept in POINTS, ¥ 1 = $ 0.15 = 1000 POINTS, one FunCAPTCHA for Outlook costs 30 POINTS, i.е. the price for 1000 solutions is $ 4.5
Also implemented in MailBot 14.78:
- processing the form “It’s time to keep your account safe!” in Read more »
\\ AOL,, I.UA,, MailBot,, Outlook, Yahoo, YesCaptcha, avatar, creator, antispam, checker
MailBot has been updated to version 14.20.
Added the API of the new CAPTCHA service Underdog CAPTCHA. It can only solve Arkose Labs CAPTCHA (FunCAPTCHA) for Outlook, but it does it effectively.
The price for 1000 solutions is $1.8, with a volume of 100,000 solutions per day – $1.44. Solution speed ≈ 1 second.
The service have no web panel yet, all operations are via Telegram bot @underdog_cap_bot. A Telegram channel with live updates is also available: @unddg. Support Telegram: @underdog_captcha
“Country of account” list has been added to the “Profile” tab, in which you can manually specify the specific country of the created accounts, if the selected email provider allows it:

“Detect from IP address” setting is also available, when checked, the country of the account will be set in accordance with the country of the IP address used for account registration.
“Valid accounts per IP address” setting has been added to the “Checker” tab, which allows you to limit the number of valid accounts checked by the checker from one IP address (proxy):

You can to not limit Read more »
\\ 365SMS, AOL, cookies,, GrizzlySMS, Mail,, MailBot, Outlook, PVA, Seznam, SMS-Activate, Underdog, VAK-SMS,, Yahoo, antispam, stats, checker, Yandex
MailBot has been updated to version 13.93.
The interface for working with the phone verification providers APIs has been redesigned similarly to the interface for working with the CAPTCHA solving services API. Now on the sub-tab “SMS”→”API” you can add all your accounts on phone verification providers to the list and switch between them with one click (the picture shows an example of a completed list):

Accounts can be added, edited and deleted, the corresponding buttons are located below the list on the left. For each account on the phone verification provider you can configure each setting Read more »
\\ funcaptcha,, kopeechka, MailBot,,, Outlook, PVA, SIMSMS, sms-acktiwator, SMS-Activate, SMSPVA,, creator, unlocker, antispam, aliases, checker, Yandex