
MailBot supports the following hotkeys in its main window:

F1 — calls up a window with information about the user’s license and the program author’s contacts

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L — switches the program interface language to the next one in the list of supported languages

Ctrl + 1 — switch to the “Provider” tab

Ctrl + 2 — switch to the “Creator” tab

Ctrl + 3 — switch to the “Checker” tab

Ctrl + 4 — switch to the “Proxy” tab

Ctrl + 5 — switch to the “CAPTCHA” tab

Ctrl + 6 — switch to the “Phone” tab

Ctrl + 7 — switch to the “Recovery email” tab

Ctrl + 8 — switch to the “Export” tab

Ctrl + 9 — switch to the “Email features” tab

Ctrl + 0 — switch to the “Dictionaries” tab

Ctrl + - — switch to the “Profile” tab

Ctrl + = — switch to the “Settings” tab

Ctrl + ` — switch to the “Statistics” tab

The following hotkeys are also supported in the account lists on the “CAPTCHA”, “Phone” and “Recovery email” tabs:

Enter — open the editing window for the account selected in the list

Delete — remove the selected account from the list

+ — open the window for adding a new account to the list

Ctrl +  — move the account line one position higher in the list

Ctrl — move the account line one position down in the list

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