MailBot has been updated to version 13.84.

Implemented support for the API of Vietnamese SMS service
This service issues only Vietnamese phone numbers, one number for Outlook costs 690 Vietnamese dongs, which is about $0.03.
To replenish your balance, please contact @Jonathan_123456789.
Also implemented support for the API of Vietnamese SMS service (
This service issues only Vietnamese phone numbers, one number for Outlook costs 700 Vietnamese dongs, which is about $0.03.
Unfortunately, balance replenishment is carried out only via Vietnamese bank, there are no other options.
Why to add Vietnamese SMS services? There is only one country of numbers and problems with balance replenishment?
This is a very popular question. There are two big reasons:
- today most of MailBot’s clients are from Vietnam
- Vietnamese services provide real SIM cards, not virtual numbers, like the vast majority of Russian SMS services
Starting from version 13.84, MailBot supports quite popular IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD
proxy format (used, for example, by Read more »
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