Jun 09

Bigmir.net logo

MailBot account creator updated to version 7.21.

Account creator and checker of one of the biggest ukrainian email provider Bigmir.net was implemented!

Active POP3 on bigmir.net domain and antispam disabling feature are at your service. You need to recognize one reCaptcha v2 to create an account and fill out a user profile on bigmir.net.

As always, the update is completely free for users of the full version of MailBot. The rest customers, as always, can buy Bigmir.net account creator and checker with 50% discount (you can calculate your price including discount here).

Also implemented in version 7.21:

  • My World activation and avatar uploading in Mail.ru mobile app creator
  • command line parameters /s /c that automatically launch the checker when MailBot starts
  • aliases /start /reger and /start /checker was added for command line parameters /s /r and /s /c respectively
  • command line parameter /closeonstop, when specified, the process MailBot.exe will finish its work after stopping all creator or checker threads

  • support for Polish characters in names and surnames in WP.pl creator
  • dictionaries of the most popular Polish, Czech and German names (male and female) and last names was added to the \Dic folder

автор tavel \\ теги: , , , , , , , , , , ,

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