May 26

MailBot account creator updated to version 7.17.

Attention! To update MailBot to version 7.17 you need to update all files from archive! To move your settings from an old MailBot version you need to copy settings.ini file to the new MailBot folder.

Attention! If you are get an error EConvertError after creator start – delete DB folder, the format of banned proxies database was updated in version 7.17.


  • “Threads options” panel on “Creator” tab was renamed to “Creator properties”, “Accounts per proxy” option (from “Proxy” tab), “How many accounts to create?” option (from “Accounts” panel) and “Proxy ban timeout (hours:minutes)” option (from “Proxy” tab) was moved on it:

    New Creator tab interface

  • “Randomize list” option, that allows you to mix the proxies in the list in random order after downloading:

    New Proxy tab interface

  • an error counter “Captcha unsolvable” (ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE) was added to the statistics of CAPTCHA-service:

    Unsolvable CAPTCHA count statistics

  • export of statistics is now available in the SCSV format (separator is semicolon), compatible with Excel:

    Sent;Recognized;Wrong code (% recognized);Captcha timeout;No slot available;Captcha unsolvable;User exists;Registrations limit exceeded ;Unexpected server response;
    93614;93614;7489 (8%);0;0;3;36;13603;0;


  • POP3 activation in regular and mobile app Yandex creators
  • radically increased the processing speed of proxy lists: whith the option “Quick list load” enabled, a list of 170,000 proxies is downloaded and processed in 20 seconds (before – 40 seconds), “Randomize list” option does not affect the processing time of the list
  • download of proxy list from services protected by CloudFlare (for example
  • thread manager now displays the correct message when an EOutOfProxy or EProxyNotFound error occurs

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